The future of VMS sourcing

Trivialize the search for your next vertical market software investment.
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Describe any mandate

A multi-dimensional search algorithm and Generative AI functionality trivializes even the most complex of mandates.

Custom software Cradle

Build your vertical software Cradle on top of a premade Cradle of software companies.

Parameter sets

Get your VMS search off to a quick start by purchasing a premade parameter set for over 70 industries.

Describe any mandate

Vertical market software companies specialize in niche industries, offering tailored products or functionalities.

Cradles' multi-dimensional search algorithm relies on a blueprint that outlines your search criteria. A blueprint is a list of parameters (key words or phrases) split into foundations, features, identifiers, and barriers that provides an understanding of a niche market or mandate.

Generative AI

Cradles' Generative AI functionality enhances your company search process by cross-referencing up to five criteria specific to your mandate.

Some example criteria include:

1) Product type: "the business focuses on selling standalone software products or provides access to digital platforms" or "the business does not sell hardware or physical products" or "the company focuses on providing investment advisory or consulting services"
2) Customer industry: "the company focuses on selling products to customers in the construction industry"
3) Customer type: "the company focuses on selling products to other businesses (B2B):
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Custom software Cradle

Cradles provides a specialized software Cradle designed to assist investors in the vertical market software sector with their search efforts.

This software Cradle, developed from tens of thousands of parameters, specifically addresses the software component of your search requirements.

To tailor your search to a particular industry, all that remains is for you to supply a blueprint detailing the industry specifics.

Begin by selecting "Software" as your foundational Cradle.
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Parameter sets

Vertical market software companies frequently incorporate specific product features or industry-related terminology, complicating the task of constructing a comprehensive blueprint.

To address this challenge, Cradles provides parameter sets designed to facilitate the creation of blueprints for more than 70 distinct industries.

These sets range from 50 to over 300 parameters, making them perfectly suited for developing detailed blueprints tailored to any niche within any industry.
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Solutions for vertical software investors

Learn how to build a Cradle to find any vertical software company.
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